Monday, December 3, 2012

"The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer." Psalms 6:9

For weeks now, Michael and I have been scouring the international teaching posts, emailing the schools that seemed like a great fit.  We've been on that emotional rollercoaster I'm sure you can all relate to...having moments of great faith, relying on God...yet to find ourselves in the low valleys of doubt and frustration only days (and sometimes hours!) later. 

By Wednesday of last week, I had reached one of those low valleys yet again.  At some point during my day, I glanced at a handwritten index card that I keep on my desk at school...verses of encouragement.  This verse stood out:

"The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer." Psalms 6:9

Michael and I had definitely been praying for guidance and for our future, but had I really, truly believed that God would answer that prayer?  This verse and that thought stuck with me all day long.  Three new schools had posts on Wednesday, so I quickly sent off emails before heading to bed.  

I don't usually check my emails in the morning, but Thursday morning I did.  We had received an email from one of the schools I had just emailed the night before, and I excitedly told Michael that they were interested in talking to us via Skype on Thursday evening.  I'm not sure how we made it through the day...nervous, apprehensive, and hopeful, all bundled together.  

We spoke with the Director of Schools and the high school principal in our first ever Skype interview (Michael and I joked to each other that it was the first interview he and I had ever had where it didn't matter if you wore pants...but I assure you we were totally dressed).  :)  Both men were extremely nice and enjoyable to talk to.  They wanted to know about us, our kids, and shared a lot of information about their country.   The Director told us he wanted to speak with our references and would definitely be in touch with us the middle of this week.  We ended the conversation, and Michael and I both agreed that we felt excited and positive about this prospect.  And the waiting began.

Meanwhile, Michael began what Michael does best...find out EVERYTHING possible about this country.  We looked at the school's website, read information about the country, and even read blogs posted by American teachers who had taught there.  Everything we found encouraged us even more.  We prayed that God would lead us where he wanted us, but that also we would have a clear idea when or if the offer presented itself.

Saturday evening my phone rang.  It was the elementary principal, and he wanted to Skype with us that evening.  Cue the nervousness, apprehension, and hopefulness.  Round two.

Sunday afternoon, we received an email from the Director, requesting to Skype Sunday evening.  Round three.  By this point, I gave up on ever eating again.  My stomach was sooo tied up in knots.  I told Michael, "This is it.  There aren't many more things to say or talk about."   I had a feeling that this conversation was it.  Either we'd hear "Thank you, but no thank you" or they would offer us the job. 

As the conversation began, the Director asked if we had any questions about the school or the information that he had sent us.  We did, and as he answered each and every question, things just started clicking into place...and I felt a great peace come over me.  And a great deal of excitement.

Finally, Michael asked the question.  "So what's the next step?"  The Director simply smiled, and replied, "Well, the next step is to ask if you both would like to come work for us."

Michael and I both looked at each other, looked back at the computer screen, and answered "Yes."

Amazingly, even through all of my doubts, fears, and frustrations,  God had answered our prayers.  He had provided our new home.

Beginning August 2013, the Ganus Gang will be moving to Seoul, Korea! 


  1. This is SO neat - I'm really excited for all of you.

  2. This is SO great. I'm excited for all of you!

  3. Travis spent a little time in Okpo and said Korea is beautiful. He liked it a lot. Love yall-very excited that God is taking you new places and showing your family great and mighty things!

  4. Blessings to your family. Have a blast serving God together.

  5. Congratulations to the family. I am so excited for yall.

  6. PTL! Coming from a missionary family I know the hardest part is waiting on God's direction in regards to His work.

    Congratulations! I am thrilled for y'all.

  7. Wow! Congratulations I know God will use yall!

  8. Wow congratulations I know as long as you allow God to speak for you you will be greatly used!

  9. Awesome news! I am so happy for you guys. We will be praying for Peace, Strength and Love for this new journey. Love you guys!
